Commit and Rollback Transactions in SQL Server is a huge topic in itself. Somethings mentioned here that can be noted for working with rollback transaction. 1.You can set a savepoint/marker within a transaction using SAVE TRANSACTIONS. The savepoint defines a location in your code, to which a transaction can rollback if part of the transaction […]
Category Archives: SQL
Today our discussion matter on built in SQL function ROW_NUMBER(). This function simply generates row number for each row in the result. e.g. Suppose we have a table Employees. SELECT EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary FROM Employees EmployeeId EmployeeName ————————– P0001 Emp1 P0002 Emp2 P0003 Emp3 P0004 Emp4 P0005 Emp5 ROW_NUMBER() when assign sequence number to rows […]